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Consumer Driven Contract Testing Using Pact in Python Example

By Monday, March 6, 2023No Comments

Consumer-driven contract testing is a powerful approach to ensuring software reliability and usability. The process involves creating a contract between two software components – a client and a server – to ensure they can communicate with each other accurately. Pact is a popular tool used for consumer-driven contract testing in Python, which helps to establish a contract between a client and server. In this article, we`ll explore the concepts of consumer-driven contract testing and learn how to implement it using Pact in Python.

What is Consumer-Driven Contract Testing?

Consumer-driven contract testing is a testing methodology that focuses on creating a contract between two software components, namely a client and a server. The process begins with the client defining the contract that specifies the expected input and output from the server. The server, in turn, ensures that it complies with the contract and produces the output as specified by the client. This approach enables the client to dictate the requirements, and the server becomes responsible for meeting these requirements.

Why Use Pact For Consumer-Driven Contract Testing?

Pact is an open-source library that simplifies consumer-driven contract testing. It provides a simple and effective way to define and test contracts between a client and server. Pact works by creating a mock server that simulates the server`s behavior, enabling developers to test their applications before the server is implemented. Pact offers the following benefits:

1. Pact makes it easy to define the contract between the client and server. The client specifies the expected input and output, while Pact provides a simple API that enables you to create and test the contract.

2. Pact provides a simple way to share the contract between the client and server using JSON files.

3. Pact facilitates better collaboration between the client and server teams. The client team can define the contract, and the server team can ensure that the server meets these requirements.

4. Pact promotes test-driven development, where the client can test their application against the contract before the server is implemented.

How to Implement Consumer-Driven Contract Testing using Pact in Python?

To implement consumer-driven contract testing using Pact in Python, you`ll need to follow these steps:

1. Define the contract: The client team should define the contract to specify the expected input and output. This contract should be shared with the server team.

2. Set up the Pact mock server: The client team should set up the Pact mock server to simulate the server`s behavior.

3. Write the test: The client team can then write a test against the contract, which will be run against the Pact mock server.

4. Verify the contract: The server team should verify that the server meets the requirements specified in the contract.

Here`s an example of how to implement consumer-driven contract testing using Pact in Python:

1. Define the contract:



“consumer”: {

“name”: “Client”


“provider”: {

“name”: “Server”


“interactions”: [{

“description”: “A request for user details”,

“provider_state”: “User exists with ID 123”,

“request”: {

“method”: “GET”,

“path”: “/users/123”


“response”: {

“status”: 200,

“headers”: {

“Content-Type”: “application/json”


“body”: {

“id”: 123,

“name”: “John Doe”,

“email”: “”






2. Set up the Pact mock server:


from pact import Consumer, Provider

pact = Consumer(`Client`).has_pact_with(Provider(`Server`), host_name=`localhost`, port=1234)


3. Write the test:


def test_user_details():

expected = {

`id`: 123,

`name`: `John Doe`,

`email`: ``



.given(`User exists with ID 123`)

.upon_receiving(`A request for user details`)

.with_request(`get`, `/users/123`)

.will_respond_with(200, body=expected))

with pact:

result = requests.get(`localhost:1234/users/123`)

assert result.json() == expected


4. Verify the contract:

The server team should verify that the server meets the requirements specified in the contract.


Consumer-driven contract testing is an effective way to ensure software reliability and usability. Using Pact in Python, the process of defining, creating, and testing contracts is streamlined. By establishing a contract between a client and server, both teams can work together to ensure the software meets all requirements and functions correctly. With consumer-driven contract testing, you can significantly improve the quality of your software and ensure it meets all the requirements.