constraints + ladders // 11.08.05 - 11.15.05

this week, my shepherd is david nolen. have you ever wanted to do something "better"? sure you have, most of us feel that way. but what is improvement? what is it as a process? my daily assignment is to "pick any creative activity, and make it absolutely ridiculous. each day i will be defining a goal, then an obstacle, then doing the project." the constraint could be something like as silly as using a mouse that's been tied by string to my foot while walking down the hall. my pressure project is to "(to be inserted tomorrow.)"

left handed tablet // 11.08.05

for my first project, i decided to spend some time in illustrator drawing with the pen and pencil tools. i'm just beginning to discover their usefullness, so i decided to use them to draw an object on a wacom tablet, another tool which I am just beginning to discover.

the constraint in this project was to draw with my other hand. i'm right handed, so drawing a mug with my left hand, in illustrator, on a wacom tablet using two tools i'm still discovering helped me to produce today's entry.

lefthand.jpg themodel.jpg

the mug, the figures, the pen, + the oral fixation // 11.09.05

today, following ze's comment, i used my left hand to draw a few things. the water was drank, the gum was chewed, the lip stuff was applied, and the pen was used to sketch a few portraits...

the constraint again in today's work was to draw with my left hand. i'm still right handed, and the results yielded were better than anticipated.
disinistra.jpg amugofamug.jpg

typing with y eye closed // 11.10.05

short of drawing with my lefdt hgand, i'm ryping with my eyese closed. rhwe jeyboard is ob my lap and my eyes are shit, ca n u read this? maybe this is what ut is like to read something withn you're drunk, bu maybe nt, o, foin to spend some time rewordn this romorrow, buas my idea fdor a fill fledhed dail is sadly not makeing it after 5.30 in the am.

it's muscg easeur to tyoe with you yes pen, but here is rhe best fdr tonight., sleep well evberyone.

chair // 11.11.05

more drawings with my left hand on a wacom tablet. ze commented that the constraints yielded better (read more frustrating) results. it's true. the drawing was much mroe difficult, yet marginally more satisfying.


flowerbox // 11.12.05

these two drawings started out as sketches in my notebook, but were redone on computer. the style is the same, yet there is some slight progression


blindfolded chicken // 11.13.05

tonight we ate a lot of bbq. i'm not normally a large bbq eater, but we did have some nicely done chicken. i wanted to draw chicken stuff, so i continued to draw with my left hand, yet blindfolded.

chicken01.jpg chicken02.jpg chicken03.jpg

campbell's // 11.14.05

today was a day of soup...


blindfolded // 11.15.05

the pressure project of the week. think of something to do, then make it impossibly difficult. find a can of soup, open it, and eat it.

"save it for later" © 1982 the English Beat