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List and Explain Two Legislative (Legal) Requirements of a Building Contract

By Wednesday, October 5, 2022No Comments

Building contracts are legally binding agreements between the homeowner and the contractor. These agreements outline the terms and conditions of the construction project, including the cost, timeline, and scope of work. Nevertheless, building contracts are subject to legislative requirements and legal stipulations that protect both parties involved in the construction contract.

In this article, we will look at two legislative requirements or legal stipulations that must be included in building contracts to ensure that both the homeowner and contractor are protected under the law.

1. Payment Schedules

A significant legal requirement of building contracts is the payment schedule. The payment schedule outlines the amount of money that the homeowner agrees to pay for the construction project and how this payment will be made. As the construction project progresses, payments will be made in installments as per the payment schedule.

It is essential to have a detailed payment schedule in the building contract as it protects both parties. For instance, the contractor is protected as they will be paid for the work they have done. Simultaneously, the homeowner is protected as they will not be asked to pay the full cost of the construction upfront, and payment will only be made based on the work done.

2. Building Codes and Regulations

Another significant legal requirement of building contracts is that they must comply with building codes and regulations. These codes and regulations ensure that the construction project follows a set of standards that promote safety, accessibility, and health.

Building codes and regulations may vary depending on the location and type of construction project and should be thoroughly outlined in the building contract. As a homeowner, it is crucial to ensure that your contractor is following the relevant building codes and regulations to avoid any legal implications that may arise.

Failure to comply with building codes and regulations can lead to penalties, fines, or even court action. Therefore, ensuring that your building contract complies with these legislative requirements can save you from unnecessary legal troubles.

In conclusion, building contracts are essential legal documents that protect both the homeowner and contractor. It is crucial to ensure that your building contract adheres to the necessary legislative requirements to protect yourself legally. The payment schedule and building codes and regulations are two vital legislative requirements that must be outlined in building contracts. Make sure that these two requirements are included in your building contract to ensure that your construction project runs smoothly and is legally compliant.