AI.Reverie provides a more accurate and abundant source of labeled images so leaders across every industry may release applications that propel clearer insights; fairer decisions; and smarter products. By putting better data at peoples’ fingertips, AI.Reverie will unleash creativity with AI.
In December, 2020 I joined AI.Reverie as UX Design Lead for what would become Airscape. My role was to help the Head of Product and Product Lead move the overall team through the research, design, user testing, prototyping, development, and product launch phases.
Data Scientists are unable to find enough accurately annotated and labeled raw data to properly train their Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning systems.
The goal of the AirSpace MVP is to develop and offer a foundational platform that customers can use to generate synthetic data to train their own AI/ML systems and upon which AI.Reverie will build to eventually offer a full self-serve computer vision AI/ML platform.
1. Develop and offer a foundational self-service SaaS platform to generate synthetic data to train AI/ML systems.
2. Enable customers to have a hands-on experience that educates customers of the benefits of Synthetic Data and AI.Reverie platform.
3. Provide a more accurate and abundant source of labeled images so customers may release applications that propel clearer insights; fairer decisions; and smarter products.