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Why Do Individuals and Governments Support Free Trade Agreements Brainly

By Saturday, November 27, 2021No Comments

Why Do Individuals and Governments Support Free Trade Agreements?

Free trade agreements (FTAs) have been a topic of debate for many years. While some argue that they are detrimental to local economies, others believe that they are necessary for international business. But why do individuals and governments support free trade agreements? Let`s explore some of the reasons.

1. Opening up New Markets

One of the main benefits of FTAs is that they open up new markets for businesses. This means that domestic companies can now sell their products in other countries without facing excessive tariffs and other barriers. In turn, this leads to an increase in exports and can help boost the overall economy.

2. Improved Competitiveness

When countries enter into FTAs, they become more competitive. This is because they can access new markets and access cheaper products from other countries. This helps businesses to reduce their costs and prices, which ultimately benefits the consumer.

3. Job Creation

Many supporters of FTAs argue that they help to create new jobs. This is because businesses can now expand into new markets and increase their sales. In turn, this leads to the need for more workers, which can help to reduce unemployment rates.

4. Political Ties

FTAs can also help to strengthen political ties between countries. When countries enter into an FTA, they are essentially creating a partnership. This can lead to increased collaboration and cooperation on other issues such as security and human rights.

5. Consumer Benefits

Finally, FTAs can also benefit consumers. When businesses are able to access new markets and reduce their costs, they can pass those savings onto the consumer. This means that consumers can purchase products at a lower cost, which can help to improve their standard of living.

In conclusion, while there are certainly arguments against FTAs, there are many reasons why individuals and governments support them. From opening up new markets to creating jobs and improving consumer benefits, FTAs can provide significant economic and political benefits.